9 November 2015

2016: A big change.

Assalamualaikum and good day everyone!!

From the start of January and almost the end of this year, almost la, it had been a reaaaallllyyy long time! I really missed my blog to be honest, I am sorry because I am busy with school and I really got no time to create new posts. Based on my previous post about new year resolutions, I finally now realized that I actually did made a change according to my plan! I have changed a lot this year, some from bad to good and from good to bad and that is not okay.

Basically, what I am going to write today is a reflection of 2015. It is going to be a long post I guess & at the end of this post I will be saying what I am going to change and make myself more better than before for next year.

In 2015, the first month was okay, I made new friends, and I realised I become more friendly than ever. My batchmates are not a stranger to me anymore. They are like family. I also realised the ones I was scared of to talk to, the ones who I expected they hated me the ones that never really friendly was mostly wrong. Batchamates are important, they are like my life, without them I would not be happy. Even they did not do anything, but I am sure they were the reasons why I am happy today.
Form Two syllabus was really hard I swear, I guess this was the year I studied hard a lot. I do excel in exams but not quite good than in form one. I did not achieve straight As but my marks are satisfying.
Both my parents were worried but they did not lose hope to give support to my siblings and I. I really appreciate their support. My relationship with my teachers are good than last year. Whenever I went to the staff room, it was nice that they all knew me. I help the teachers a lot and it was fun.

That was like a total conclusion of a whole.

This year as a whole was really a happening, a lot of things happened, the bad ones and the good ones.   My wholebatch faced a really hard time where other batches really looked slacked on us, but our batchmates are tough, I am really sure of that. For this year, I am becoming friendly but my emotions and feelings this year are not controlled. I got stressed out easily and I really am bad tempered. I do not know how to change back to what I am in primary where I am humble and nice to people, I never scold people. I guess I am strong and brave enough this year that is why I am changing.


For next year, my new change, my new resolutions, my new everything. I promise I will be focusing onlyyy on studies, not even let my intention to do something else than studying insyaallah. For next year, I will be more nice, more humble, I will help my friends and teachers. I would not even marah anyone, I will live with a big big smile, I will do my best in my big exam, I will get straight As in PT3. I will make my parents proud, I will be the best and good person, I will not break any rules, I will be punctual, responsible and neat and also tidy, I will be a saver as much as possible as I really am broke this year. I will take good care of healh and I will try to be fit. I hope that my resolutions for next year gonna work. Insha Allah , Amin.